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Privacy Notice

This privacy notice sets out the ways in which Spiral Classics collects and uses your personal information and explains your rights to access it and request that it be changed or deleted.

About Spiral Classics

Sophia Singer is the sole proprietor of Spiral Classics.

Contact details

Address: 52 Herbert Street Loughborough, Leics, LE11 1NX Email:

Spiral Classics is registered on the Information Commissioner's Office Register: registration number Z751483X. Sophia Singer acts as the data controller when processing your data.

How Spiral Classics obtains information

Spiral Classics collects and processes your personal information when you

  • make an order
  • commission Spiral Classics to sell LPs on your behalf
  • ask to be placed on the mailing list for catalogue updates
  • make a business-related inquiry: for example, relating to the availability of an LP that you are hoping to add to your collection

This information is collected from emails, online forms on our website, telephone calls and, occasionally, letters sent through the post.

Some information is logged automatically whenever anyone visits the website. This includes the IP address of the computer accessing the site and the url (web address) of any referring link.

Spiral Classics does not place cookies on your computer automatically. You may consent to allow cookies to allow us to analyse your use of the site and improve the site experience. These cookies do not track your activity on any other site, and are only used for Google Analytics. They are set to remove personally identifying information such as the full IP address.

If you wish to modify your consent, please click here.

Information collected by Spiral Classics

1. When you make an order

  • Name
  • Email
  • Address
  • Telephone number
  • LPs purchased and/or ordered

2. When Spiral Classics is selling your LPs on a commission basis

  • Name
  • Email
  • Address
  • Telephone number
  • Bank account details for payment transfers (in a few cases)
  • Details of LPs in stock and sold
  • Details of payments made

3. When you sign up to the mailing list in order to receive catalogue updates

  • Name
  • Email
  • Address (where provided)
  • Phone number (where provided)
  • Wants list and/or details of special interests (where provided)

4. When you make a business-related inquiry

  • Name
  • Email and/or phone number
  • Other information relevant to the particular inquiry

Spiral Classics mailing list

No one is put on the mailing list unless they have specifically requested this. This has always been the practice at Spiral Classics.

Requests to unsubscribe from the list are dealt with punctually. These may be submitted by email or via a form on the website. Every email posted to the list carries a reminder that the recipient can unsubscribe if they wish, together with a link to the website form.

Members of the mailing list who never place an order will be removed after they have been on the list for five years at most, and usually sooner.

Payments to Spiral Classics

Please note that Spiral Classics does not hold any credit or debit card information electronically. All card payments are processed via Paymentsense secure online payment gateway. Paymentsense Ltd. is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA firm reference number 738728).

Protecting your data

Spiral Classics will never disclose your data except in cases where this is permitted or required by law. We do not sell your data and will only share it with other businesses to the limited extent required by payment processing, postal or courier services or other necessary functions.

We are serious about keeping your personal information secure. Our measures include a firewall and reputable anti-virus software. Data is backed up to a remote server, protected by strong encryption controlled from our computer.

Keeping your details up-to-date

If you are a regular customer or we are selling LPs on commission for you, please let us know of any changes to your personal data (eg address, phone number, email). You will find our contact details at the start of this notice.

Your rights

Under European and UK data protection legislation, you have rights designed to ensure that you can keep control of your personal information. These include rights to

  • request details of the personal information that we hold about you
  • ask us to correct out-of-date, incomplete or inaccurate information
  • instruct us to delete your information from our records*

*The following information will be retained as necessary for accounting and tax purposes:

  • data relating to past purchases
  • details of LPs sold on commission and payments made

If we receive a request to access, change or delete your data, we may take steps to confirm your identity before we take further action. This is in order to protect your information and keep it secure.

You also have the right to make a complaint about us to the office of the UK Information Commissioner should you be unsatisfied with the way we have handled your personal data. But we hope you would begin by raising your concerns with us.

Other websites

Our privacy notice applies only to our own business and website. Our website contains a page of links to other sites: we do not control these sites and are not responsible for their privacy policies. When you leave for other websites, we recommend that you read their privacy notices.